Time (in ET); Activity
; Introduction to the Workshop
10:00am–10:10am; Opening remarks from Dr. Kaye Husbands Fealing, NSF Assistant Director for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate
10:10am–10:25am; Opening remarks and orientation from organizing team
; <strong>Topic 1: To what extent do large language models offer hypotheses about how human minds / brains produce (or comprehend) natural-language texts? (Chair: Mark, Discussion Moderator: Dan)</strong>
10:30am–11:15am; Wei Xu: How LLMs can help make knowledge accessible to all and how we can reduce biases?
11:15am–12:00pm; Leila Wehbe: Flexible approaches are needed to make language models into brain models
12:00pm–1:00pm; Break
1:00pm–1:45pm; Michael Ramscar: Language models in humans and computers
; <strong>Topic 2: What might happen in humans' minds as they dialogue / collaborate with large language models to perform language tasks? (Chair: Evgeny, Discussion Moderator: Phuong)</strong>
1:45pm–2:30pm; Morten Christiansen: Large Language Models, Creativity, and Textual Culture
2:30pm–3:15pm; Martin Pickering: Augmented language production
3:15pm–3:30pm; Closing Remarks